Source code for physalia.tests.test_models

""" Test Models module

import unittest
from mock import patch, MagicMock
from physalia.models import Measurement
from physalia.utils.symbols import GREEK_ALPHABET
from physalia.fixtures.models import create_measurement
from physalia.fixtures.models import create_random_samples
from physalia.fixtures.models import create_random_sample

# pylint: disable=missing-docstring

[docs]class TestMeasurement(unittest.TestCase): TEST_CSV_STORAGE = "./test_models_db.csv"
[docs] def setUp(self): Measurement.csv_storage = self.TEST_CSV_STORAGE self.addCleanup(Measurement.clear_database)
[docs] def test_persist(self): measurement = create_measurement() measurement.persist() with open(self.TEST_CSV_STORAGE, 'r') as file_desc: content = self.assertTrue( """1485634263.096069,login,com.package,1.0.0,Nexus 5X,2,30""" in content )
[docs] def test_get_unique_apps(self): for _ in range(10): measurement = create_measurement(app_pkg="") measurement.persist() measurement = create_measurement(app_pkg="com.test.two") measurement.persist() measurement = create_measurement(app_pkg="com.test.three") measurement.persist() self.assertEqual( set(Measurement.get_unique_apps()), {"", "com.test.two", "com.test.three"} )
[docs] def test_get_unique_use_cases(self): for _ in range(10): measurement = create_measurement(use_case="one") measurement.persist() measurement = create_measurement(use_case="two") measurement.persist() measurement = create_measurement(use_case="three") measurement.persist() self.assertEqual( set(Measurement.get_unique_use_cases()), {"one", "two", "three"} )
[docs] def test_describe_app_use_case(self): for i in range(10): measurement = create_measurement( use_case="login", duration=i, energy_consumption=i * 2 ) measurement.persist() real_stats = Measurement.describe_app_use_case( measurement.app_pkg, measurement.use_case ) expected_stats = (9, 5.745, 4.5, 2.872) # pairwise assertion: for (first, second) in zip(real_stats, expected_stats): self.assertAlmostEqual(first, second, places=3)
[docs] def test_hypothesis_test(self): sample_a, sample_b = create_random_samples() _, pvalue = Measurement.hypothesis_test(sample_a, sample_b) self.assertLess(pvalue, 0.05)
[docs] def test_fancy_hypothesis_test(self): from StringIO import StringIO from string import Template # sample_a, sample_b = create_random_samples() with patch('physalia.models.Measurement.hypothesis_test', MagicMock(return_value=(0, 0.0001))): out = StringIO() Measurement.fancy_hypothesis_test( None, None, "login with email", "login with facebook", out=out ) output = out.getvalue() self.assertEqual( output, Template( "Hypothesis testing:\n" "\t$H0: $mu login with email = $mu login with facebook.\n" "\t$H1: $mu login with email $neq $mu login with facebook.\n" "\n" "Applying Welch's t-test with $alpha=0.05, the null" " hypothesis is rejected (p-value=<0.001).\n" "Thus, one can say that the means of populations" " \"login with email\" and \"login with facebook\" are" " different.\n" ).substitute(GREEK_ALPHABET) ) with patch('physalia.models.Measurement.hypothesis_test', MagicMock(return_value=(0, 0.061231))): out = StringIO() Measurement.fancy_hypothesis_test( None, None, "login with email", "login with facebook", out=out ) output = out.getvalue() self.assertEqual( output, Template( "Hypothesis testing:\n" "\t$H0: $mu login with email = $mu login with facebook.\n" "\t$H1: $mu login with email $neq $mu login with facebook.\n" "\n" "Applying Welch's t-test with $alpha=0.05, the null" " hypothesis is not rejected (p-value=0.061).\n" "Thus, it was not possible to find evidence that" " the means of populations login with email and " "login with facebook are different.\n" ).substitute(GREEK_ALPHABET) )
[docs] def test_get_energy_ranking(self): sample = ( create_random_sample(10, 1, app_pkg="com.app1") + create_random_sample(11, 1, app_pkg="com.app2") + create_random_sample(12, 1, app_pkg="com.app3") + create_random_sample(13, 1, app_pkg="com.app4") + create_random_sample(14, 1, app_pkg="com.app5") + create_random_sample(15, 1, app_pkg="com.app6") ) for measurement in sample: measurement.persist() ranking = Measurement.get_energy_ranking() self.assertEqual( ranking.keys(), [ "com.app1", "com.app2", "com.app3", "com.app4", "com.app5", "com.app6", ] ) compare_sample = create_random_sample(12.5, 0.5, app_pkg="com.app7") self.assertEqual( Measurement.get_position_in_ranking(compare_sample), (4, 6) )